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Is necessary in this case and because in most cases temporary criminal law establishes aggravated or punitive treatment criminalize new facts, so that the law succeeds temporary law is more favorable. Criminal law, as well as any law, is the expression of recharge api free sovereignty that developed it and apply it and, therefore, it is inevitably limited to the space on which that State sovereignty. Therefore, in principle, the application of the criminal law of a state may not extend beyond its borders. Thus, no state can claim the right to interfere in its criminal enforcement in the territory of another state, even if the person is prosecuted in this territory.
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However, the rule limiting a state criminal jurisdiction to crimes committed on its territory known over time some flexibility to allow for a mobile recharge api effective criminal repression of the challenges coming from contemporary crime. Indeed, the ease with which people today moving from one territory to another causes an increased mobility of offenders. In these circumstances, if the criminal law of a State should remain strictly limited to crimes committed in its territory, it would be difficult for offenders to evade criminal court proceedings, leaving the territory where they committed the crime immediately after its commission.
Changing mobile recharge api the legal force of the principle of and its transformation into a constitutional principle is not without direct consequences in terms of criminal law. Thus, a series of laws, previously considered retroactive recharge api free always having lost this feature, is now subject to the general criminal law. Thus, before the entry into force of the Constitution, according to art. Were retroactively applicable laws providing for security measures and educational measures. The new Criminal Code has abandoned this solution, providing in Article 2, paragraph 2, you can not take an educational measure or a safety measure mobile recharge api if it was not under the criminal law at the time the act was committed.
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In this way, the rules of criminal law was made in accordance with Art. 15 para2 of the Constitution, which establishes the value of the law in general constitutional principle. Another category of recharge api free law traditionally considered as applying retroactively is the interpretative laws. After the entry into force of the Constitution, no more talk of a mandatory rollback even in the case law interpretation. When there is a law interpretative, which requires a different interpretation than that given by the case law require otherwise interpretative application of the rule interpreted and becomes itself a source of law. Consequently, the law may mobile recharge api not retroactive only to the extent that create a situation favorable to the defendant. Unit on the possibility of retroactive application of the provisions on limitation.